News and Events
Photos and updates from ongoing and past shows, projects, events and other art related activities.

'WE' in New Delhi
So, as some of you may know I am involved in a group show in New Delhi this August. It is a fascinating collaborative and international project hosted by the Korea Cultural Centre and incorporating free public seminars and workshops. BUT, as is true with most artist endeavors I undertake, it is not paid. I am trying to raise enough money ONLY for my flight so that I may participate fully in the collaboration and workshops.
Please visit the link to learn more about the project and share with anyone else you can think of may be interested in the project and my fundraising attempts. Thank you for your support and help spread the word!
The end of my time in Rota
Thank you to everyone who made my exhibition 'Comunidad' this week. As I upload documents and videos to their respective online homes, please take a look at my new section under 'Work' for a selection of the pieces from the Pinea Residency.

My Pinea Residency has begun!
For the next three months I will be living and working in small town- Rota, Spain developing a text-vide-sculptural installation. Sea Slaters, aka rock lice, will be my animal of choice for this project so I expect to come to head with my dislike for lots of little things in one scuttling place.

'A Yellow Tongue' and the MFA Degree Show's last Week
My final MFA fine art degree show is up as part of the wider 2015 Newcastle University MFA Degree Exhibition until September 5th (this Saturday). If you are in Newcastle, come to the Hatton to see some work by great artists who have worked very hard all year.
It is a varied and exciting show, please come and take a look!

WILD OBAN has a Website!
Since early spring, Katie Wright and I have been collaborating on a video installation due to be completed this fall. Last week we went practice filming and explored possible characters, and now we have an official website to tell you about that and all of our other updates. Head on over to to see all of our progress and learn more about the project.
Just a reminder, it is only 2 weeks (2 WEEKS!) until our destination filming to Oban to record the basking sharks. If you want to be kept up to date on the project and future show details, please subscribe to our project mailing list through the website.
Again, here it is, take a look!

'Treescapes' Solo Show up at the Stadler Gallery!
Opening tonight and running until July 16th is my painting show Treescapes at the Stadler Gallery in Kingfield, Maine. If you have the time, it is a pleasant and beautiful drive to the little town. Tonight there is an artwalk event throughout the town as well. If get the chance, spread the word!

Wild Oban: A Film Project
Delving into the faerie-seeped waters of Oban, Scotland to reveal the secrets of the mysterious basking shark.
Katie Wright and I are working on a collaborative art video and installation entitled WILD OBAN. Having successful funded our kickstarter campaign to record Oban's migratory basking sharks, we will now spend the next few months researching, preparing storyboards, and collecting test footage before traveling to Oban in August. The video will intertwine local folklore with the vulnerable sharks to juxtapose tones of sublime magic and terrible fears. Our film is set to be completed at the end of September and will be available both online and in a large scale installation space.
Here is the link to the full project proposal with updates. Until we make a project blog, more information can be found on my blog page 'Intimacy in Tangents.'

Bananas: Women's Food
Is Meatloaf for Men?
Saturday 29.11.2014
11am - 6pm
Exhibition in the Kitchen in Catterick Garrison
Works on paper and other media will be displayed in the kitchen.
Artists: Millie Findlay, Katie Hare
Lizzy Rose, Sofija Sutton, Ute Kirkwood
Inspired by the book 'Cooking Lessons The Politics of Gender and Food' this exhibition is an investigation into the kitchen space
as a location of art and gender politics.

'Interval II' Official Launch
Please join us November 27th (Thanksgiving evening) for the launch of Interval II; an experimental writing and literary magazine from Newcastle upon Tyne. In the evening I will be giving a reading from my piece Perceived Abandonment. Follow the link for directions and more information.
I hope to see you there!
Inner Outer Skins
Come see the Newcastle MFA 2014 Show up through Sept. 6th; my room is 5.03 titled Inner Outer Skins.
Inner Outer Skins

Summer Studio 5.03
Just a couple more weeks until the August MFA Interim and Degree Show at Newcastle University. Opening Aug. 22nd at 6pm.

Rondo Mogilskie project site for Group 2
'Creating a Context' Krakow, Poland 2014 with Newcastle University- A two week long opportunity to work alongside international artists and architects to develop a proposal for a temporary public artwork in Krakow for an imagined Biennale. Project results will be uploaded to the project website below.
The Flesh is Alike
February 2014. A first year MFA show (Newcastle University)
The Flesh is Alike
February 2014. A first year MFA show (Newcastle University)

Patrick Dougherty Residency Sculpture Project
September 2008 at Wheaton College. Student Volunteer.