Below are images from my studio, my works in progress, and my artistic events. I look forward to seeing many of these ideas completed in the coming months and hope exposing my process opens me up to new insights and confidences.
A few photos for the upcoming 'WE' collaboration this August in New Delhi:
My studio for the Pinea Residency, Rota, Spain. 2016.
Settling into my new living and work studio at the PINEA Residency in Rota, Cadiz (SP). Still working on the Spanish bit though. I am investigating the role of tourists and foreigners in the coastal town through community involvement and the comparison of the sea slater (aka rock lice, sea roach, etc) insects found on the beach rocks.
A few images from the Wild Oban project as I am working sans studio currently.
Charcoal Edges, Belly Balls and Sometimes I am also the Spider combined in my MFA Newcastle University studio. 2015
Sometimes I am also the Spider with Bear Maiden Mural in the studio, 2015.
Studio on the Boat deck, 2014